Your Observer: Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium inspires youth leaders
Seeking Rents: A Rebellion in Florida
The Bradenton Journal: Guest column | How does Manatee County get out of this mess? Vote!
The Guardian: ‘There Won’t be Anything Left’: Florida Teens Battle City Over Plan to Loosen Wetland Protections
Bradenton Herald: ‘We Love Our Waters.’ Kids for Clean Water Protest Manatee’s Wetland Protection Cuts
Your Observer: Final Vote Nears On Protection of Manatee Wetlands
The Bradenton Times Podcast: Episode 106: Brice Claypoole
The Invading Sea: Young Floridian Aims to Save Wetlands: Constitutional Right to Clean Water Is The Way
The Bradenton Times: Guest Op/Ed: Public Outcry is Our Best Weapon
The Bradenton Times: Letters: The State of Pollution
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast: Saving Wild Florida
Sarasota Sailing Squadron Breezy Blast: Boats and Bugs!
Anna Maria Island Sun: Reel Time: Empowering the Next Generation
The Washington Post: Learning More About the Ocean's Problems Can Inspire Solutions
Bradenton Herald: Residents of All Ages Support Higher Taxes to Protect Land in Manatee
Anna Maria Island Sun: Reel Time: Trouble in Paradise
Anna Maria Island Sun: Reel Time: Orange Hammock Ranch
Humane Gardener: In the Shadows of Butterflies